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[This is live teaching in which we focus on exposition from scripture. The focus may be on exegesis of the passage, categorical doctrine related to the passage, or the isagogics that assist us in understand the setting and context that impacts interpretation. These teachings are all part of a series, and some information mentioned may depend on previous teaching in the series.]
In this Resurrection Sunday Message, we finished our examination of the Testing of the Lamb of God, which began on Palm Sunday. The lamb of God was examined and tested in parallel to how the paschal lamb of sacrifice was to be examined and then sacrificed on the Passover. So too, Christ was examined and then found blameless and qualified, as He became the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World on the Passover. We then moved into our Resurrection Sunday examination of the Feast or Day of First Fruits, Yom HaBikkurim (יוֹם הַבִּכּוּרִים), which is a picture that was fulfilled by the person of Yeshua HaMoshiach - Jesus Christ the Anointed who delivers Israel and all men from sin's judgment.